Wednesday, May 26, 2010

50 Cent dropped over 50 lbs in nine weeks!

50 Cent has been keeping a low profile lately, but the real reason was because he was losing weight for a movie role, and knew that the change in his looks would be so dramatic that fans may react with horror….Thisis50 posted an US Weekly story on the transformation, in which Fif says he dropped from 214lbs to 160lbs in 9 weeks….by basically starving himself. Now that he’s done with the film, and going back on tour, Fif will probably reunite with his trainer Jay and get back to fighting weight.

Now the movie, Things Fall Apart, called for 50 to play a football player who has cancer, but Hollywood has had other examples of extreme dieting….and it’s interesting because it always becomes the actor’s badge of “dedication to the craft.” See, below, Christian Bale’s scary skin over bone look in The Machinist, and Matt Damon’s turn in Courage Under Fire.