Saturday, May 15, 2010

Talib Kweli Speaks on Illuminati Theories

This recent rash of rumors about the alleged Illuminati ties of people like Jay-Z, Rihanna, Oprah and whoever else has got to be one of the corniest trends in rap ever. This is easily the corniest shit since the “Stop Snitching” debate. Are you all fucking serious with this shit? A Black man (or woman) rises to a certain level of success and the only way to explain that in ya’ll minds is that they must be in bed with some secret society? This mentality disgusts me. Shame on you morons who just discovered internet conspiracy theories last year and are now running around spouting these nonsensical tales to the babies.

Look, like Talib, I read all of the Behold A Pale Horse books when I was younger and I bought into a lot of it. And to this day I’m pretty certain that there are in fact wealthy and powerful people out there, that we’ve never heard of and probably never will, who orchestrate some of the major events that happen on this planet. Fucking duh.

Wow, what a fucking revelation: rich people run shit. Who knew. Seriously, who do you expect to be calling the shots, a bunch of poor, uneducated slobs? You mad? Well then I’d say stop wasting your time on the internet and get your fucking billions up and maybe one day you can be one of those people calling the shots.

Honestly, I think the most plausible explanation for the whole conspiracy theory movement/industry is that all of those wealthy shot caller types are planting these fantastic theories themselves so as to distract us from the much more pedestrian, but equally evil, shit that they’re really doing. Namely, keeping us poor and themselves rich. I don’t really see it being much deeper than that.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve argued with folks in the comments about this same topic. It’s like, so what if everything you guys are alledging is in fact true and the Illuminati is real and Jay and Oprah are conspirators? What the fuck are ya’ll gonna do about it? Start the revolution? You niggas can’t even get within 5 feet of Jay and O, much less the evil trillionaire overlord that is signing their paychecks.

The probability of me being labelled as Illuminati because of this post: 100%