Friday, July 9, 2010

Kanye & Lebron


So Kanye went to Greenwich for this circus? I’m just glad this shit is over to be honest. Although I suppose it’s really just beginning. Man, it would’ve been nice if it would’ve been the Knicks. Oh well, I guess we can look forward to another 30 years without a title. Sucks for Cleveland, although you all had to know he was gonna skate.

You know what I find funny though? Yeah, this whole ‘decision’ nonsense that has been playing out over the last couple weeks has been utterly ridiculous. And yeah, that ESPN special was a flagrant exercise in hype. But not for nothing, it’s the media that’s been feeding this guy’s ego for the last 7+ years and inflating it to astronomical proportions. And now that same media is crucifying him for having an ego.

Who could live the life this dude lives and not get a big head? Which one of us could walk in his Nikes and remain humble? This is the way the game is played these days. Maximize exposure. Promote your brand. And hopefully get that ring. At least he didn’t run after the biggest check. That’s something you don’t see everyday in this culture.

Photo credit: Larry Busacca